Stop Faking Orgasms - Allie

May 25, 2023 2 min read

Stop Faking Orgasms - Allie

Stop Faking Orgasms - Allie 

You may be able to fake it till you make it in some cases, but when it comes to achieving an orgasm we say no. There is no need to put pressure on yourself to climax. Just enjoy the moment, indulge yourself and an orgasm if it happens should just be the icing on the cake.

Why do we fake orgasms? 

Let's talk about why so many people fake orgasms and how couples can have better sex. 

Sex and orgasms can be complicated - even the fake ones. For your sexual health orgasms are an important component.
Why are orgasms so important?
Well they actually have great benefits for your health. Having the big O can actually help you sleep better as your muscles become relaxed after an orgasm. They make you ‘Feel Good’, your body produces hormones like dopamine and oxytocin which can lower your stress. As your muscles around your genitals contract from an orgasm your blood pressure and heart rate increase.

So with those benefits why fake it. 

Studies have found that in most cases it is the female that fakes the orgasm. Women can often fake an orgasm by making the corresponding sounds such as moaning or gasping. They quicken there breathing and move in a way that makes their partner believe they are climaxing.

stop faking orgasms

A common reason as to why people fake climax is they don’t want to hurt their partner’s feelings. Often, they don’t want their partner to feel inadequate about the performance. In other cases it has been found that faking an orgasm can actually make a women more aroused, which can lead to greater sexual satisfaction.

The big ‘O’ for many couples is considered a goal to be achieved by the end of sex, if an orgasm doesn’t happen, they feel like they have failed. But the truth about an Orgasm is that it’s a complex process that may not always happen. If your partner not reaching an orgasm regularly is an issue for you, it may be a great opportunity to have a discussion with your partner to talk about what pleases them, or to experiment with new sexual activities. Focusing on the shared intimacy rather than a climax will make sex for both partners more fulfilling.


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